Kreyon Conference 2017
Unfolding the dynamics of creativity and innovation
Rome, Palazzo delle Esposizioni
6-9 september 2017
The Kreyon Conference Unfolding the dynamics of creativity and innovation conference will be held in Rome from 6th to 8th of September 2017 at Palazzo delle Esposizioni.
The aim of the conference is to gather scientists from many different disciplines (physics, mathematics, computer science, biology, social and cognitive sciences, arts, economics, business) to address fundamental questions about how people express their creativity and innovate both at the individual and collective levels.
The conference will feature three days (from september 6th to 8th) of scientific talks covering topics of creativity and innovation, while on Saturday the 9th plain conferences and discussions will engage a broad audience on the"Complexity of the future".
The conference will also feature a set of interactive installations and ateliers aimed at engaging participants
in “creative” activities.
The Kreyon conference is sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation and organized by Sapienza University in collaboration with ISI Foundation and Complexity Science Hub Vienna.
Applications for short presentations should be done through the conferencewebsite no later than June the 20th, 2017. Notification of acceptance will be sent by June the 30th 2017.
Contributions for short talks and posters are welcome covering the themes of the conference from the perspective of many different disciplines (physics, mathematics, computer science, biology, social and cognitive sciences, arts, economics, business).
Proposals for interactive installations will also be considered.
If you have questions or enquiries please write to kreyonproject@gmail.com.
Mark Buchanan - Freelance physicist and author, FR
Raffaella Burioni - University of Parma, IT
Davide Cassi - University of Parma, IT
Ilan Chabay - Institute for advanced Sustainability Studies, Postdam DE
Giovanni Elanuele Corazza - University of Bologna, IT
Mirko Degli Esposti - University of Bologna, IT
Stuart Kauffman - University of Pennsylvania, USA
Francois Pachet - Sony Computer Science Lab, Paris FR
Luciano Pietronero - Sapienza University of Rome, IT
Mario Rasetti - ISI Foundation, Turin IT
Andreas Roepstorff - University of AArhus, DK
Luc Steels - ICREA, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, ES
Stefan Thurner - Complexity Science Hub, Wien, AT
Vittorio Loreto, V.D.P. Servedio, Francesca Tria
Cesare Bianchi, Indaco Biazzo, Elisabetta Falivene, Pietro Gravino, Fernanda Lupinacci, Bernardo Monechi
Indaco Biazzo, Ilan Chabay, Pietro Gravino, Vittorio Loreto, Bernardo Monechi, Francois Pachet, Andreas Roepstorff, V.D.P. Servedio, Luc Steels, Stefan Thurner