Utilizzando una piattaforma simile a quella di Lego Pixel Art, i giocatori saranno sfidati a comporre una melodia a partire da un incipit...
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Al Palazzo delle esposzioni domenica 13 settembre «Kreyon Day 2015», una giornata dedicata alla creatività per grandi e piccini. La sfida:...
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Il KreyonDay è stato un evento di divulgazione scientifica unico nel suo genere, interamente dedicato alla creatività e all’innovazione, nato...
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Would you like to become a legend?
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Would you like to fly to Budapest and play against the strongest woman chess player of all time, the... -
A new paper reports about the existence of Optimal Learning Paths while exploring information networks...
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The phenomenon of "sleeping beauties" in science is far from exceptional and becomes more apparent in a multidisciplinary context...
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How do contact languages emerge? A modeling scheme focusing on Creole can provide insights for further studies....leggi tutto
Vittorio Loreto will be talking about "Modeling the emergence of contact languages" at Paris Samm workshop "Interactions"....
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A beautiful example of a ...
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Cams seminar in Paris, march, 27th about Triggering novelties and innovation in human activities....
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Learn about Kreyon activities and ideas: The Kreyon White Paper is...
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Are there mathematical regularities behind how we encounter novelties? And are these encounters similar to how we encounter innovations more...
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