Where do good ideas come from?...
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Martedì 17 marzo 2015, ore 20,30 presso la libreria asSAGGI...
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One new thing often leads to another. Such correlated novelties are a familiar part of daily life. They are also thought to be fundamental to the...
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Novelties are a familiar part of daily life. They are also fundamental to the evolution of biological systems, human society, and technology. By...
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Nexicon è un gioco di libera associazione di parole.
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Scopo del gioco: associare liberamente parole ai termini che vengono... -
Free word association game.
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Purpose of game: Associate words to suggested terms.
How to play: Write... -
Riesci ad indovinare che parola uno sconosciuto assocerà ad un dato termine?
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Scopo del gioco: Si gioca in due e si devono... -
Can you guess which word a possibly unknown person will associate to a given word?
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A random word will be shown to you and your partner, who...