Alberto Fiorillo is in charge of urban areas for Legambiente, a spokesperson for Rete Mobilità Nuova, and the creator and coordinator of the GRAB project – Grande Raccordo Anello delle Bici della Capitale. He is a member of the ISTAT / CNEL Steering Committee on the Measurement of the Advancement of Italian Society, and CUIS (Statistical Information Users Committee of ISTAT). He is founder and editor of the report Ecosistema Urbano (Urban ecosystem) which is published yearly by Sole24ore. As a professional journalist he is a columnist for many headlines.
Since 1999 he has followed the ICE (European Municipal Sustainability Indicators) project by participating in the DG XI Working Group (DG Environment) and collaborating with the WHO Environment and Health Center. As an NGO expert he participated to climate / urban environment sessions of the United Nations Climate Change Conference: COP-9 Milan (Italy) 2003, COP-11 Montreal (Canada) 2005, COP-12 Nairobi (Kenya) 2006, COP -14 Poznan (Poland) 2008, COP-15 Copenhagen (Denmark) 2009.
As an experienced NGO representative, he also attended the Earth Earth Summit 2002 in Johannesburg (South Africa) at the Fourth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health in Budapest (Hungary) in 2004.
He created the Stanca Review blog (aka The Frog), and a virtual book called Caro Papi Natale. Through his blog Bicisnob he has been a main animator of the viral campaign #salvaiciclista.He published an essay on Mobility (No Bike) and an essay on the concept of “demeritocracy” (Scurriculum) together with his colleague Paolo Casicci.
Let’s meet Alberto Fiorillo on September the 9th, at 3.15pm
The holistic city. Urban areas as novel ecosystems